Saturday, March 19, 2005

A billion of anything is hard to comprehend

It's hard to impress Cosmo, but someone made a comparison that put things in perspective. You may have noticed the tally board at what things are costing the US over in the left sidebar...


Look at that number grow and consider this:

-A billion seconds ago, it was 1959.
-A billion minutes ago, Jesus was walking the face of the Earth.
-A billion hours ago we were just coming into our own in the stone age.


-A billion dollars was just eight hours and 20 minutes ago for our government.


Today those gallant people in Watertown, Wisconsin -- more than 60 -- braved incredibly blustery weather to stage a Peace Walk.

Like many groups across the nation the Watertown Peace and Democracy Coalition thought that today, the second anniversary of the unjustified invasion of Iraq would be a good day to stage a demonstration.

Some say it's brave, some say it's noble, but at the very least it is admirable to see such a significant number make a visible statement in a town that is a bit right of Lake Wobegone. Bravo WPDC!

A show of support came in the form of a contingent of three members of the Madison chapter of the Veterans for Peace. They drove out to Watertown to take part on this chilly day. And for some activities like this Watertown can exude a chill even in mid-July. They of course weren't the only veterans to take part in the Peace Walk.

Reports indicate that there were really no hecklers with the exception of one person in a vehicle who honked and gave them a one finger salute. That pretty much sums up the opposite side of the dialogue. But one must give them credit for being able to actually use the large motor skills it takes to honk a horn, then the fine motor skills to display the one finger salute. They should pat themselves on the back...but that may take some practice, so maybe another day.

Alright, so I did a little surfing and that ubiquitous PJ (photojournalist - ha!) whose initials are LS was evidently in Watertown, because it didn't take much searching to find images from today's Peace Walk plastered all over one of his web sites. (Hey WPDC aren't we working on media reform here - granted LS doesn't have any web sites like Jeff Ganon's. At least I haven't found them yet.) Anyway, if you want to see images from today's Peace Walk click here.

Oh, and by the way WPDC, pat yourselves on the back. Good job!

Bye-bye for now,


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