Thursday, March 17, 2005

Watertown, Wisconsin going to Peace(s)

It appears that Watertown,Wisconsin is indeed having a Peace Walk Saturday March 19. Another blogger points this out in an advance piece at Fieldtrips.
Nothing like plaigerizing your own material, because the same advance piece showed up in the Watertown Daily Times today.

Also, got word that a representative from Veterans for Peace
will be there. According to a note from one of the peace walk organizers, Don Kliese of the Madison chapter #25 of Vets for Peace will be a part of the event.

That's cool.

Might be some others from Madison, I hear. We'll see.

Bye-bye for now,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I truly enjoy your writings/ rantings as they reflect what I believe in my core. Not only has Watertown, WI (home of Maranatha Baptist College and other right-wing conservatives) held a peace march on March 19th, 2005, we have hosted George Martin as a speaker (The Realty of Iraq) 23 April and marched to our puny city hall on 27 April protesting the proposed elimination of filibuster as a legitimate tool of the minority party.

We are trying to give those who think that they do not have a way to make their voices heard (with at least a little safety in numbers).

Thanks for giving me incentive to continue this uphill battle. I hope to god(dess) that reason will once again find its way into the voice of the people.